Everyone deserves to live in an affordable, equitable, and financially secure city. Decades of auto-oriented, sprawling development have left their mark on Nanaimo, leading to expensive housing, unproductive urban spaces, and unsafe streets. Together, we can advocate for a city built around people, not automobiles.

BC Eliminates SF Zoning

BC Eliminates SF Zoning

Upzoning all of British Columbia will help increase housing diversity, improve housing affordability, and enhance walkability in our cities while preserving neighbourhood character.

Excitement Grows as Work Continues on the Mary Ellen Drive Roundabout

Excitement Grows as Work Continues on the Mary Ellen Drive Roundabout

The roundabout is already seeing use! Drivers and pedestrians can now safely leave the once-notorious Woodgrove Crossing parking lot.

You Don't Need a License to Walk

You Don't Need a License to Walk

We need to rethink how we talk about car accidents involving pedestrians in Nanaimo. Pedestrians are seen as obstacles for drivers who are often driving too fast and are too distracted along roads that are all too wide.

Better Island Transit More Homes Canada Strong Towns Campbell River Patchwork Ecosystem Consulting Nanaimo Climate Action Hub Strong Towns Langley Transition Nanaimo Strong Towns Vancouver